Friday, December 14, 2018

When time isn't a healer !!

Time doesn't heal emotional pain. It is a learning process to let go, because you have to know exactly what you need to let go of - otherwise it could lead to other disruptions.

Sometimes it is a painful process, sometimes an almost cheerful one, all depending how your inner flexibility works.

If you could simply "let go" on command, everybody could do it right away - but it doesn't quite work like that.

It has really become important to free oneself of old fears and burdens at this time. Many people aren't necessarily aware or conscious of what's troubling them, but they feel that something just isn't right. With this realization, do you take action?

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Magical walks and magical talks

Are you just simply living your life more of less casually from day to day, month to month, holiday to holiday? OR are you a creator of your life? Those are ultimately the core questions to ask and address.

You have tried different therapies and healing models, but they don't seem to bring any real and lasting results.

If you want to advance in this direction, check out session type being: TALKS with "Medical Intuitive".

PICTURE: A magical place invites for meditative walks

Friday, December 7, 2018

Own your body, own your space !

There is a lot of talk about "raising our vibration" these days but that is all just talk unless we actually begin doing the necessary inner activation work with mindful focus and integration via the physical body! I have increased this practice myself and even more in the past years and it goes without saying that this vibrancy flows into all the sessions offered.

The craniosacral specialty for instance involves alignment of the bodily chakras. This approach creates wonderful openings, sometimes it happens spontaneously - even into the higher chakras (the 8th), however an elevated state and feeling stable is nearly always the result. 

Everybody is different, which is the beauty of being human and the individual will be met exactly there. More details under Craniosacral session.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Meeting with falcon

This week I opened the door into the garden and right behind it a peregrine falcon appeared with a dead magpie in its mouth. It flew into a near by shed not even 5 meters away and stayed there completely still for a good long while and we simply gazed at each other...when I moved slightly, it flew off landing in a fence and just hang there on one side and the magpie on the other...My only thought was, don't tell me it's stuck there, as it seemed that way...but no no, it wasn't stuck but made some fast turns in the air and landed on its feet again - not losing sight of me and quietly left the terrain.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

That inner light, let it shine brightly

Light cannot exist without darkness (the polarity of day turning to night for instance), thus the more light coming into our existence, the higher levels of self awareness and clarity we achieve, the more aware we become of the shadows or darkness as well. When it all seems gloomy (personal testing times) ... this is the exact time to open up even further and shine that inner light outward ~ an intent, a choice deep within us ~ it is the most powerful humans can do because it would be aiming for an equilibrium when there isn't one.

"Gift from Goddess"

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

In the name of fear

Fear will keep us firmly anchored in our old patterns, no matter how far they go back. Our fears will prevent us from stepping into our loving and vibrant power.

Many people won't act, because their fears have them in full control. I have heard many say: "Arrhh, we can't change anything's too late...I don't have what it takes...not good enough ... don't know where to start .. (full of excuses is really what it boils down to)." In fact, this tactic is just another way of clinging onto the "painful past" (memories, beliefs, hurts, longing for what no longer is etc.).

Suggestion: ever so often, face something you fear head on - it can be something small, but making the decision, intending it, is the big page turner (keep on doing it with each new thing you are afraid of - it scares me somewhat but I do it anyway! The more we practice this, the easier it gets and the less there is to fear. Never mind if everything doesn't work out immediately, it's all about doing and daring and cherishing our own path.

Oriental Medicine (or TCM / Shiatsu) teaches, that FEAR is the emotion belonging to the winter season. Further related aspects are - the kidneys and bladder, the dark, cold, night, weakness / exhaustion, passivity, bone marrow, water element, salt, the blue-black color etc. All this gives us some clues about how things may be related in the body/mind and how it can affect us in unfortunate ways when fear has a paralysing effect on us.

Besides, individuals who intentionally face their fears and dare walk through them become a stabilizing force in the human family on the planet and this is much needed now.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Seek the ones you feel resonance with (true solidarity, heart to heart connection, in any connection). It may be with the few, it may be the many. It's not about what is said, but about the very essence we beam out into the world.

"Gift from Goddess"

Monday, August 27, 2018

Sacred dance circle

Moving the body and using the voice simultaneously - have you ever tried that?

On a Friday evening, perhaps you actively feel like being part of a creative process, which opens up to new ways of sensing and perceiving self and others.

When: Friday 7 September 2018 at 19:30 - 20:30

Venue: 33, rue de Strasbourg (1st floor), Luxembourg City

Maximum 12 participants

Event holder: Dorte - please sms for attendance 621 542 689

All embracing enrichment

* We are all unique and we learn from each other and depend on one another. It isn't just about your or my enrichment, but about the universal enrichment *

~ Dorte Balle

Monday, July 9, 2018

Art and Emotion

"Art is responded to with emotion … and the best art is music - that’s the highest form of art. It’s completely abstract, and we make about eight times as much response to music than any of the other arts."

Agnes Martin (1912 - 2004) Abstract painter and minimalist

She is also known to have said:

"There are so many people who don’t know what they want ... and I think that, in this world, that’s the only thing you have to know — exactly what you want … Doing what you were born to do, that’s the way to be happy."

Monday, July 2, 2018

Take this moment, because it is life!

"With time" . . . all will return to its origin . . . and as time does not exist, we only have this moment. So our life is about the choices we make today, not tomorrow, just like these plants live for today and not for tomorrow.

Monday, May 14, 2018

The Empathic Spectrum

Narcissists   LEPs     HSPs         Empaths

HSP = Highly Sensitive Person
LEP = Loving Empathic People

Sunday, April 15, 2018


"Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity."

-Simone Weil

Saturday, February 24, 2018


“All great art contains at its center contemplation, a dynamic contemplation” says a young Susan Sontag.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday, January 1, 2018



May this be the year you truly find yourself and bring your unique inner gifts into the world and through this, spreading joy and supporting others. I wish you ecstatic times and a brilliant health.
