Soul Talk (topic of your choice)

In a nutshell SOUL TALKS is the "spirit way" alternative to the more conventional therapy scene. The interactions are "goal-oriented and powerfully practical" by organically adjusting attitudes and thinking patterns (simplifying the complex) to life situations blocking the individual. Part of the essence is: "When you are ready to feel it (meaning, you are completely honest with yourself), you can heal it" and the unaware will become clearer in the process so that homeostasis can take place. It is usually necessary to persist for a while, the length differs from person to person.

OR you generally feel vital and well in life, but feel stuck for the time being and wish to break free of that. You acknowledge there is something not quite right in your life AND you want to take responsibility for yourself and move beyond the current obstacle.

Clients often tell that "this-way-works" and rapid changes are made bearing in mind, that some have been through years of therapies (in clinics too), taken strong medicines - all this without experiencing any sincere clarity or breakthrough. A client once said in awe - "Gosh, this way of focus is really life changing - you don't notice it right away, but after some time, you do - something inside simply fell into place, that didn't before". 

Going to testimonials you discover how clients have felt about and responded to the sessions.

As an intuitive empath, the gift is a deep understanding of what's going on with the other, thus the ability to go directly to the core of the issue. Mostly a form of bodywork is great for full integration: Shiatsu with a clear-minded and sensitive practitioner is a good choice.