
The testimonials are mostly in English, but also in German and French. Warm thanks for your trust, openness and kindhearted "word of mouth propaganda", it's helpful in so many ways.

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"Dorte is like an ocean of knowledge and her healing abilities are no less than phenomenal. She has helped me get rid of many health issues (neck and chronic lower back pain), liver issues (nutrition advice), low moods & fatigue. TALKS have helped me get over an old trauma. In addition you learn a lot. She balances out all sorts of dysfunctions and pains. I have consulted her over the past few years and can warmly recommend her many skills."

Christina, Luxembourg (2019)

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"Dorte's treatments are both deeply intuitive and gracefully healing. Her approach is tailored toward "listening" to what is most important in the body and responding by guiding the energies toward optimum health. When she worked on me I felt a gentleness and also a power working in concert together and after the session I felt the inherent physical and spiritual benefits as they stayed with me for a long time."

Stefano, San Francisco

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By receiving shiatsu/cranial sessions from Dorte, you get the benefit that she has extra sensory gifts. Her sessions go very deep in a really comfortable and light way. After the sessions I feel completely clear in my head, my chronic neck tension went away very quickly and people tell me I look much younger recently and am less stressed out. If you want to be in good hands and get over the issues we have these days, I warmly recommend you go see her.

Maria, Luxembourg

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"Dorte est une personne très ouverte, empathique, vraiment passionné par le shiatsu et qui l'applique d'une façon très professionnelle et en même temps didactique.

Dans mon cas particulier, elle m'a aidé à beaucoup relaxer: je suis arrivé avec un problème d'anxiété et dans quelques semaines les résultats ont été plus que notables!

Si vous avez un problème de santé, je vous recommande vivement d'aller la voir!"

Paulo, Luxembourg

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"The first time I experienced a shiatsu treatment was with Dorte. I remember the first time I came out from her session I felt like I walked out from heaven and didn't quite understand what happened to my body and my energies.

With Dorte I learned to listen and understand messages from my body. She helped me to increase my self-awareness and listen to my intuition. I love talking to her before starting our session, taking my time to express my concerns and worries. Listening to her perspective to my thoughts always seem to be so helpful lessons, teaching me about life, its levels and connections.

She also raised my awareness about the power of colors and nutrition, how I can use them helping me to restore energy when it's low. Dorte works in a very focused and intensive way, so that a pain in the hip/back or a fragile digestive system are restored and strengthened quite quickly after or during a session. It is so interesting to feel how she is working on many levels and how your body is reacting to it, you start feeling energy flows that you might not have been aware of ever before and you notice how your body is an entity, in which everything relates to one another.

A shiatsu treatment from Dorte feels like a heavenly gift after which you feel so strengthened to fight earthly problems. I always leave her place with a positive attitude towards the future, reassured that I trust in myself and in the path of my life.

I am very glad that our paths have crossed at the right place and the right moment in life. I hope that many people will experience the light she spreads and put their trust into her hands."

Nora, Luxembourg

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Alles begann mit Shiatsu, an einem Zeitpunkt als es mir sehr schlecht ging. Diese Technik hat es mir erlaubt neue Lebensenergie und Lebensmut zu schöpfen und endlich die Möglichkeit zu haben ganz tief zu entspannen. Dann habe ich nach einiger Zeit mit Soul Talks angefangen und das war wirklich interessant.

Als es mir wieder besser ging, ging es mit Meditation weiter, auch eine ganz neue Erfahrung. Ganz einfach . . . SEIN . . . im HIER und JETZT. Am Anfang gar nicht so leicht. Mit ein bisschen Übung aber ganz schnell einen andere Art der seelischen Entspannung und neue Einsichten kamen zu mir.

Und ganz zum Schluss dann die Ernährungsberatung (Nutrition), wo das Schlüsselwort ganz klar die QUALITÄT des Essens ist.

Ich danke DIR Dorte für alle diese wertvollen Erfahrungen, die ich bei dir sammeln konnte, für all diese positiven und aufmunternden Worte, die mir so viel geholfen haben. 

Körper und Seele bedanken sich für diese bereichernde REISE.

Laura, Luxembourg

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"After 5 weeks in hospital, I started shiatsu sessions with Dorte and experienced a wide variety of feelings and reactions both from my body and mind. I experienced calm and inner peace when my daily life was full of trauma. The time passed quickly but right from the start of a session my thoughts became calm, my problems fell away and even physical pain disappeared. I went through a journey of self discovery taking me back through my life and beyond. Dorte is a lovely person, with a special gift. She helped me when I needed it most."

Nigel, Luxembourg

"Vor sieben Jahren versuchte ich zum ersten Mal Shiatsu. Ich lebte damals zusehends lust und kraftlos dahin. In meiner Beziehung und in meiner Arbeit. Ich hatte viele Rückenschmerzen und stand morgens oft genau so müde auf wie ich abends schlafen ging. Shiatsu half mir, besser auf meinen Körper zu hören. Ich konnte viel Druck und negative Energie loslassen aus meiner Kindheit und früheren Erfahrungen. Heute erkenne ich bereits an meiner Atmung ob ich gestresst bin und kann mir besser selbst helfen mit Stress umzugehen. Shiatsu hat mir auch geholfen, Teile in mir zu akzeptieren und leben zu lassen, die durch eine allzu konvervative Erziehung und kopflastigen Unterricht verkümmert blieben."

Robert, Luxembourg

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"Ich habe diese Sitzungen als sehr entspannend und im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes als erlösend empfunden. Da ich stets nach einem meist anstrengenden Arbeitstag gekommen bin, war es ein Moment der Ruhe, des Loslassens von all dem, was mich tagsüber belastet hatte und das ich jetzt, wie eine Schlange ihre alte Haut, einfach abstreifen konnte. Die Ruhige Atmosphäre, die geschmackvolle Umgebung und for allem Dein Liebevolles, fürsorgliches Wesen und Deine beruhigende Stimme machten jede Sitzung zu einem Erlebnis. Hatte ich muskelverspannungen, bist Du sanft diesen Verkrampfungen nachgegangen und hast sie meistens nach spätestens zwei Sitzungen lösen können. Auch wenn ich mal wieder (wie so oft) Energieblockaden hatte, konntest Du helfen. aber auch die Gespräche waren jedes Mal eine Wohltat, denn mit Dir konnte ich oft Dinge besprechen, die andere gar nicht verstanden hätten.

Ich kann Shiatsu allen, die unter Dauerstress & Leistungedruck stehen und die unter den damit häufig auftretenden Beschwerden wie Kopf- und Rückenschmerzen, Verdauungsproblemen und Nervosität bis hin zur Gereiztheit leiden, nur wärmstens empfehlen. Es ist eine Wohltat für Körper UND Geist."

Nicole, Luxembourg 
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"Shiatsu sessions with Dorte - these sessions always meant a lot to me, because I felt like entering another world. A world without limitations, where everything was all right. Every feeling, every experience, every part of me was welcome and could be healed.

It is not the easiest thing to get in touch with your true self, especially not for me, and we often try to lock our true feelings, our true being away, because it can be hurtful to have a closer look at it (again). Shiatsu, but especially shiatsu with Dorte, helped me to dare to have a closer look at myself. It helped me to heal wounds I thought I had healed a long time ago. The sessions I had so far, were always very deep and very emotional. It wasn't always easy for me to deal with that, but after some time, my inner self had understood the lesson and it was easier for me to attack the next layer of many that needed and still need healing.

Dorte isn't just a healer with her hands, she is a healer with words and with her whole being. She helped me being a better person, a more balanced and self-confident person. There is still a way to go, but sessions with Dorte help to have a positive view on things. It helps to understand things on an unconscious level; it always supported me and I have the courage to take up the next challenge coming my way."

Stéphanie, Luxembourg

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"It came just by chance, I wasn’t looking for it, but it changed my daily life. Since my divorce, I used to be very tired every evening with painful backaches (what did cause what, don’t ask me…). Only my bed could cure me.

One day, I spoke to Dorte and as we were chatting, she asked me if I perhaps wanted to experience Shiatsu. I already heard a lot about it, but never tried because it wasn’t too much my style.

I think I fell asleep while she was working on me, but the result was that, incredibly, I never had painful/exhausting chronic backaches again after the treatment, 3 years ago as by now !"

Frédéric, France

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"I have been receiving shiatsu treatments for a good while. All sessions have been special, unique and recently even deeper. I met Dorte by 'chance' and since that moment she has been revealing beautiful surprises to me, leading me to nice discoveries through shiatsu. I am experiencing back and shoulders pain and stiffness, mainly due to external events and emotional critical moments in my life. 

Thanks to her shiatsu sessions I can loosen my stiffness, learning to let it go. I can immediately feel a great warmth in the part of my body treated, I feel a sort of flow circulating again in my legs, going upwards my back.  I can even see colors, images, and listen to my true inner voice, bringing me back to myself.
It's a beautiful and amazing journey,  besides healing treatment."

Daniela, Luxembourg

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PICTURE ~ Orchis Purpurea, from this region