Friday, December 14, 2018

When time isn't a healer !!

Time doesn't heal emotional pain. It is a learning process to let go, because you have to know exactly what you need to let go of - otherwise it could lead to other disruptions.

Sometimes it is a painful process, sometimes an almost cheerful one, all depending how your inner flexibility works.

If you could simply "let go" on command, everybody could do it right away - but it doesn't quite work like that.

It has really become important to free oneself of old fears and burdens at this time. Many people aren't necessarily aware or conscious of what's troubling them, but they feel that something just isn't right. With this realization, do you take action?

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Magical walks and magical talks

Are you just simply living your life more of less casually from day to day, month to month, holiday to holiday? OR are you a creator of your life? Those are ultimately the core questions to ask and address.

You have tried different therapies and healing models, but they don't seem to bring any real and lasting results.

If you want to advance in this direction, check out session type being: TALKS with "Medical Intuitive".

PICTURE: A magical place invites for meditative walks

Friday, December 7, 2018

Own your body, own your space !

There is a lot of talk about "raising our vibration" these days but that is all just talk unless we actually begin doing the necessary inner activation work with mindful focus and integration via the physical body! I have increased this practice myself and even more in the past years and it goes without saying that this vibrancy flows into all the sessions offered.

The craniosacral specialty for instance involves alignment of the bodily chakras. This approach creates wonderful openings, sometimes it happens spontaneously - even into the higher chakras (the 8th), however an elevated state and feeling stable is nearly always the result. 

Everybody is different, which is the beauty of being human and the individual will be met exactly there. More details under Craniosacral session.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Meeting with falcon

This week I opened the door into the garden and right behind it a peregrine falcon appeared with a dead magpie in its mouth. It flew into a near by shed not even 5 meters away and stayed there completely still for a good long while and we simply gazed at each other...when I moved slightly, it flew off landing in a fence and just hang there on one side and the magpie on the other...My only thought was, don't tell me it's stuck there, as it seemed that way...but no no, it wasn't stuck but made some fast turns in the air and landed on its feet again - not losing sight of me and quietly left the terrain.